direct and indirect speech

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be independent self: DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH
29 Apr 2010 oleh be an independent self
Direct and indirect speech digunakan untuk mengatakan/menceritakan kembali apa yang dikatakan seseorang kepada orang lain. Dalam Direct Speech/Kalimat Langsung kita mengulang kembali persis seperti apa yang dikatakan ...
12 Mei 2010 oleh DESCRIPTION
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH. (Kalimat langsung dan tidak langsung). Pengertian kalimat langsung adalah kalimat yang disampaikan kepada orang pertama kepada orang kedua. Sedangkan informasi yang diterima oleh orang kedua ...
Direct and Indirect Speech « Dinding Kamarku
18 Mar 2010 oleh lailly
Direct and Indirect Speech. Kamu tau, apa sih indirect speech itu? Indirect speech adalah bentuk kalimat tidak langsung, sedang kan direct speech adalah bentuk kalimat ujaran secara langsung. Direct speech : Amir said, ...
E-PrimboN: Direct and Indirect Speech
28 Feb 2010 oleh M Nizam Surya Wibowo
Direct and Indirect Speech. A. Direct speech. Direct speech refers to reproducing another person's exact word oe saying exactly what someone has said(sometimes called quoted speech) here what a peson says appears within quotation ... - Referensi
Direct and Indirect Speech in English Grammar from MB0023 of ...
4 Apr 2010 oleh Jay
Direct and indirect speech chapter in English grammar is just like Voice lesson. It is based on types of verbs; we have 'active voice' and 'passive voice'. The sentences which have 'transitive verbs' can be changed from ...
findmereeds@kiradays: direct and indirect speech
14 Apr 2008 oleh kira smada
Dengan peraturan ini reporting verb dianggap dalam present atau future tense tertentu dan kapan saja ini terjadi, bentuk waktu dari kata kerja dalam reported speech tidak diubah sama sekali dalam mengubah direct menjadi indirect speech. ...
Direct and Indirect Speech : Warta Warga
2 Okt 2008 oleh WIRAWAN
*Note than when a Yes/No question is being asked in direct speech, then a construction with if or whether is used. If a WH question is being asked, then use the WH to introduce the clause. Also note that with indirect speech, ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Warta Warga
grammar test on reported speech | Cara Cepat Belajar Bahasa Inggris
18 jam yang lalu oleh Belajar Bahasa Inggris
In indirect speech, the original speaker's words are reported without quotes ... Part II: Indirect Speech Changes · Test on Direct and Indirect Speech · Inversion with Direct Speech · Direct and Indirect Exclamations · Grammar Lessons . ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Cara Cepat Belajar Bahasa Inggris
How often do we really use indirect speech acts? | A Writer's Journey
4 Mei 2010 oleh admin
e) In every day speech, people use direct speech more than they use indirect speech. The reason is that direct speech is an element of verbal conversation, as opposed to indirect speech which is an element of the written ...
Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise II « English Practice – Learn ...
14 Feb 2010 oleh tutor
Turn the following sentences into indirect speech. 1. 'What do you want?' she asked him. 2. 'Are you coming with us?' he asked. - Telusuran lainnya dari English Practice - Learn and Practice English ...#
English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech | Kursus Bahasa Inggris ...
2 Sep 2004 oleh Seputar Dunia Bisnis...
English Grammar Direct and Indirect Speech. We often have to give information about what people say or think. In order to do this you can use direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Kursus Bahasa Inggris Online
the explanation of direct speech and ind
6 hari yang lalu oleh jedo
INDIRECT SPEECH Tom said if (whether) he said that. II. DIRECT SPEECH My girl friend said, “do you love me?” INDIRECT SPEECH She said if (whether) I love her. 3. ADVERB DIRECT jadi INDIRECT Here jadi there Now jadi then ...
Direct & Indirect Speech - Windows Live
21 Jan 2010
Direct & Indirect Speech. การนำคำพูดของคนอื่น ๆ ไปบอกเล่าใครฟังมีวิธีพูดได้ 2 วิธีคือ. 1. ยกคำพูดเดิมไปบอกทั้งหมด (Direct Speech) Nicole says, "I am going to the movie." Judy says to me, "get out" ...
Nananafhie's Life: Direct and Indirect
23 Mar 2010 oleh Nafhie
Direct Speech (kalimat langsung) adalah kalimat yang diucapkan langsung oleh pembicara. Indirect Speech (kalimat tidak langsung) adalah kalimat yang mengatakan/melaporkan kembali ucapan seseorang tanpa mengubah maksud ...
Direct and Indirect Speech Future Tense
25 Mar 2010 oleh jamaluddin
DIRECT and INDIRECT SPEECH. FUTURE TENSE. When the verb in a sentence telling what the specific speaker in a different sentence, the verb in the first sentence is reporting verb, and what is said in the second sentence is report speech. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari HASBIN-BLOG
The pangs of love - Direct and Indirect Speech - English Day by Day
20 jam yang lalu
Hey guys,today we worked on the text entitled "The Pangs of Love" and we particularly focused our attention on verbs of speech.We saw how to improve them and how to report speech.Here is what we wrote…
Indirect speech
18 Mei 2010 oleh Bol Limon
Choose a reporting verb and turn the following from Direct into Reported speech. advised, asked, ordered, suggested, explained, warned, promised, begged, offered, refused 1. "I think you should take more exercise," the doctor said to me ...
The Representation of Speech In Biblical Hebrew Narrative by ...
17 Mei 2010 oleh dwmiii
Direct, and indirect speech is a major issue in this work, as this introductory comment explains. In the past these two types of speech have been analyzed as if Hebrew was an Indo-European, Western language. ...
Direct Indirect 3 Future Tense
24 Mar 2010 oleh trii
Direct Indirect Future Tense. Words spoken by a person can be reported to another person in two ways. These two ways of narration are called direct speech and indirect speech. Direct speech. When we use direct speech we quote the actual ... - Telusuran lainnya dari blog trii
Direct-indirect speech
5 Mei 2010 oleh PreciousJones
* She said, "I want to bring my children." BECOMES She said she wanted to bring her children. Does this mean that the time period had already passed, like it had already happened or she still wants to bring her children? ... - Telusuran lainnya dari ESL General English Grammar Questions#
direct indirect past tense
16 Mar 2010 oleh beni_prasetyo
Indirect: Clinton said that he was very busy then. • Direct : He said, “ my mother is writing letter.” • Indirect: He said that his mother was writing letter. How to change Direct to Indirect Speech? It will be noticed that in Direct ...
15 Mei 2010 oleh nazifaa
MATERI 2REPORTED SPEECH/INDIRECT SPEECH1. Definition.Reported speech atau Indirect speech adalah kalimat tak langsung.Direct Speech adalah kalimat tak langsung.2. Perubahan tenses dan waktuKalimat direct speech dalam bahasa inggris jika ...
direct indirect
3 Mar 2010 oleh hilman
Kalau reporting verb itu past tense, bentuk waktu kata kerja dalam reported speech itu harus diubah ke dalam salah satu dari empat bentuk past tense. Direct Speech – Indirect Speech. Simple present – menjadi – Simple past ...
Direct speech & Indirect speech
11 Mar 2010 oleh ikaapriyani
1. Future ______ Conditional Direct speech Ani said : I will arrive from Bogor next week Indirect speech Ani said that she will arrived Bogor next week 2. Future Continous ______ Condotional Continous Direct speech ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
20 Feb 2010 oleh indahpermanasari
Direct and Indirect Speech. Kalimat langsung dan Kalimat tidak Langsung. Kalimat langsung (Direct Speech) adalah kalimat yang bilamana reported speech menyatakan kata-kata yang sebenarnya. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut tidak dihubungkan oleh ...
direcT indirect
9 Mar 2010 oleh yani1101
With this rule in the reporting verb is considered present or future tense, and some of this happen at any time, present tense of the verb in reported speech is not changed at all in transforming direct into indirect speech. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari _siapa aku_
Indirect to Direct Speech
6 Mar 2010 oleh addemaulanaridwan
The conversion of Indirect to Direct Speech generally presents no special difficulties. Follow all the rules which we learned for changing the Direct to Indirect Speech in reverse for changing Indirect to Direct Speech. ...
Direct Indirect 3
17 Mar 2010 oleh agungjuniarto
Direct Speech is a sentence uttered by the speaker. Indirect Speech is a sentence that says / report back saying a person without changing the meaning or content of the speaker's words. Indirect Speech can also be called reported speech ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Blog Juventini
22 Feb 2010 oleh yunianita
There are two ways of reporting what speakers have said, direct and indirect. Direct speech is used when we want to repeat the original speaker's exact words, while indirect speech is used when we want to give the exact meaning of a ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Sprintal-Sprintul Ita
Direct Indirect Speech
25 Apr 2010 oleh manaroju
Direct Indirect Speech:- Direct: The Prince said, "It gives me great pleasure to be there this evening." Indirect: The Prince said that it gave him great pleasure to be there that evening. Direct: He said, "I shall go as soon as it is ... Direct and indirect [catatan]
6 Okt 2006 oleh jackiskandar
DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH RULES : 1. Present tense Past tense 2. Past tense Past perfect 3. Now Then 4. Yesterday The day before / The previous day. 5. Last week The week before/ the previous week. ...
Direct to Indirect Speech
25 Feb 2010 oleh manda cubie
In this section, We are going to see How the conversion of Direct to Indirect Speech and Indirect to Direct Speech is done? We may report the words of a speaker in two ways. 1. Direct Speech. We may quote the actual words of the speaker ...
1 Mar 2010 oleh ridwan
Direct and Indirect Speech. When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that ...
direct n indirect speech
4 Mar 2010 oleh OpeN YouR EYES
Indirect speech----- would could had should might Note – there is no change to;could,would,should,might and ought too. Direct speech “I might go to the cinema”, he said Indirect speech He said he might go to cinema.
Direct Indirect
1 Mar 2010 oleh ahmad
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH Also direct speech, reported speech. Terms for kinds of grammatical construction in which reports are made of something said, written, or thought. Direct SPEECH gives the exact words in the report, ... - Telusuran lainnya dari J@ngan Ga bAca y???!!!!
direct indirect 2
4 Mar 2010 oleh yusufarifin
Direct speech repeats, or quotes, the exact words spoken. When we use direct speech in writing, we place the words spoken between inverted commas (”….”) and there is no change in these words. We may be reporting something that's being ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
2 Mar 2010 oleh shesil
Lesson 2. Direct and Indirect Speech. 1. Q : Tom said, ' I want to visit my friends this weekend '. a. Tom said he wants to visit his friends that weekend. b. Tom said he wanted to visit his friends that weekend. ...
1 Mar 2010 oleh dekaka
Direct speech Indirect speech “I'm going to the cinema”, he said. He said he was going to the cinema. Top Tense change. As a rule when you report something someone has said you go back a tense: (the tense on the left changes to the ...
24 Feb 2010 oleh thika
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH. 1. Direct Speech / Quoted Speech. Saying exactly what someone has said is called direct speech (sometimes called quoted speech). Here what a person says appears within quotation marks (”… ...
direct and indirect speech
18 Mar 2010 oleh freecom
Indirect Speech. Zulyanto said that he had done the assignment. Dian said that she would be watching television. Budi said that “she had read that newspapper”; Mario said that She was eating karedok at that moment. ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
1 Mar 2010 oleh agustubun
When using indirect or reported speech, the form changes. Usually indirect speech is introduced by the verb said, as in I said, Bill said, or they said. Using the verb say in this tense, indicates that something was said in the past. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari my blog
Direct Indirect 3
17 Mar 2010 oleh Arief Rosyadi
(Direct speech) She says that she has done her duty. (Indirect speech) Direct: He says to her, 'I will wait for you at the railway station.' Indirect: He tells her that he will wait for her at the railway station. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari This is Anfield
REPORTED SPEECH | Sincerelyours : English easier
5 hari yang lalu oleh MY SPACE REPORTED SPEECH / INDIRECT SPEECH 1- Direct and Indirect Speech 2- Indirect Speech: Tense Changes 3- Indirect Instructions, Commands, Requests and Invitations ...
13 Mar 2010 oleh monica
1. future to conditional. - tyo said : ” he will date with his girlfriend tommorow”. - tyo said tha he would date with his girlfriend the next day. 2. Future continous to conditional continous. -kura said : ” i will be finishing the ...
Direct indirect speech
1 Mar 2010 oleh inggit
Indirect merupakan kalimat tidak langsung,artinya orang lainlah yang mengucapkan perkataan si subyek. Contoh: She said that i'm going to Yogya. Tense nya. Bentuk direct Bentuk indirect. 1. Present Continuous – Past continuous ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Blogku
Re: Direct-indirect speech
6 Mei 2010 oleh mister micawber
Does this mean that the time period had already passed, like it had already happened or she still wants to bring her children?-- The regressed verb hides the present status of the condition. If the verb is not regressed, ...
22 Mar 2010 oleh Muhlisin
Direct and Indirect speech is also called QUOTED AND REPORTED SPEECH. Quoted speech (Direct speech) refers to words said or reproduced when they are spoken. And, reported speech (Indirect speech) is an expression that reports or repeats ...
Reported Speech
11 Mar 2010 oleh konidiana
CONTOH DIRECT SPEECH DAN INDIRECT SPEECH. 1. Future–> Conditional. Direct speech. Rendy said : I will go to bali next month. Indirect speech. Rendy said that He will gone to Bali next month. 2. Future continous –> Conditional continous ...
Direct speech in biblical narratives - 5 minute Bible
24 Agu 2009 oleh Tim
One is through the way they report speech. There is usually more “direct speech” (where the words of a character are “quoted”) then “indirect speech” (where the teller tells us the gist of what the character said). ... - Telusuran lainnya dari 5 minute Bible
resume direct indirect speech « Japannuriez's Blog
21 Mar 2010 oleh japannuriez
Ada beberapa perubahan yang terjadi apabila kita hendak mengubah kalimat langsung (direct speech) menjadi kalimat tak langsung (indirect speech). Yaitu perubahan pronoun, tense, adverb dan susunan kalimat. ...
It's obviously been
11 Apr 2010 oleh preciousjones
You have to be careful to keep the difference clear between direct speech and indirect speech. I told him it has been there. okay (a continuing condition). I told him it had been there. okay (you can always backshift in ...
English: NCE311 NOT GUILTY
1 hari yang lalu oleh Stone
(indirect speech with tell+object). b. Indirect questions. Yes/No direct questions are reported with if or whether following the verb ask. When the reporting verb is in the past, all the verbs that follow are also in the past, as above. ...
GRAMMAR NO. 10: Direct Vs. Indirect Speech
18 Apr 2010 oleh Teresa L. Soto
There are 2 ways in English to do this: Direct speech and Indirect or Reported Speech DIRECT SPEECH Direct speech involves repeating the exact words that were pronounced by the other person. For example: a) She said, "Today Alfonso will ...
Differentiate between direct speech and indirect speech? Give ...
8 Apr 2010 oleh wedding
please give me answer in detail please help me thnx. Differentiate between direct speech and indirect speech? Give examples too? is a post from: Eve's Dream.
Direct Speech
27 Feb 2010 oleh Taufan Iskandar
Don't forget to mention the indirect object. Father warned me not to drive fast. For example: Direct speech Indirect speech Present simple Past simple Vita said, “I eat fried rice”. Vita said that she ate fried rice. ...
mulai utk menulis blog lg..... blog semester II...... caiio ...
27 Feb 2010 oleh second
TIME CHANGE This (morning) to be That (morning) Today to be Yesterday These to be Those Now to be Then (a week) ago to be (a week) before Here to be There Tomorrow to be The Next Day that's all about direct and indirect speech......
Direct and Indirect Speech
4 Feb 2010 oleh KuRniaTi PatMaH
Direct and Indirect Speech Direct Speech refers to reproducing another person's exact words or saying exactly what someone has said (sometimes called quoted speech) We use quotation marks (“______”) and it should be world for word ...
letsstudy's Site - Lesson Twenty Four
13 Apr 2008
Direct and Indirect Speech. 1. Direct Speech (kalimat langsung). Bila pembicaraan seseorang diucapkan kembali oleh orang lain kepada orang lainnya, kalimat tersebut tidak dirobah dari aslinya, untuk itu dipakai tanda kutip/quotation ...
Simple Past Tense,Past Continuous Tense,Past Perfect Tense, and ...
18 Mei 2010 oleh asep marwan assahki
Pola kalimat past perfect continuous tense juga dipakai dalam kalimat tak langsung (indirect/reported speech). Bentuk kalimat tak langsung ini sepadan dengan bentuk kalimat langsung (direct speech) dengan pola past continuous tense dan ...
My First Blog: TENSES
1 hari yang lalu oleh Rini
ü Menggantikan kalimat langsung (direct speech) dalam bentuk present perfect tense dan simple past tense menjadi kalimat tidak langsung (indirect speech). Example: Direct speech: He told me, “I have given the book to your sister”. ...
direct and indirect speech
16 Mar 2010 oleh mE rEaL zone
DIRECT AND INDIRECT SPEECH. DIRECT AND REPORTED SPEECH. You can answer the question "What did he/she say?" in two ways: · by repeating the words spoken (direct speech). · by reporting the words spoken (indirect or reported speech). ...
Learn Japanese - Why Is That Japanese Phone Ringing off the Hook?
3 Mei 2010 oleh
In Japanese, is there a similar differentiation as in English between direct speech e.g. He said, “Today is a hot day” and indirect speech e.g. He said that today is a hot day. Or is Japanese always like the indirect ... - Referensi
Using Direct and Indirect/Reported Speeches | English Upgrade for ...
7 Jan 2010 oleh Susan L
(will + present verb in direct speech) (would + present verb in indirect speech) (tomorrow in direct speech changed to the next/following day in indirect speech) "I will type the letter tomorrow," said the typist. ...
Direct Indirect Speech Past Tense
12 Mar 2010 oleh skakmate
When converting direct, or quoted, speech to indirect, or reported, speech, several changes must be made. First, it is necessary to add a principal, or reporting, clause that contains a verb of saying, thinking or reporting in the past ... - Telusuran lainnya dari sKaKmATe's bLog
Direct and Indirect Speech - Windows Live
16 Jan 2004
Direct and Indirect Speech. Direct and Indirect Speech. โกรธ. การนำคำพูดของคนอื่น ๆ ไปบอกเล่าใครฟังมีวิธีพูดได้ 2 วิธีคือ. 1. ยกคำพูดเดิมไปบอกทั้งหมด (Direct Speech) Nicole says, "I am going to the movie." Judy says to me, "get out" ...
Direct and Indirect
2 Mar 2010 oleh Enrio bibiw
Direct and indirect speech is used to say / tell me again what a person says to another person. In the Direct Speech / Sentences Direct we repeat exactly what someone says / what we hear by not changing a single word. For example: ... - Telusuran lainnya dari enrio rio rio
Indirect speech in evidence
27 Apr 2010 oleh (Elucubrator)
The rule that evidence of conversations shall be given in direct speech is, in Australia, a rule of practice rather than of law; a practice that is probably now disregarded as often as it is followed. To apply to affidavits prepared in ...
Ego4u: Reported Speech (Indirect Speech) « Cyber Amparo
22 Feb 2010 oleh mrsamparo
We report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported (indirect) speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Cyber Amparo
Direct speech and Indirect speech
27 Feb 2010 oleh forschool
Direct : Mr. Dion said, "I worked hard yesterday." Indirect : Mr. Dion said that he worked hard the day before. In comand sentences, direct speech can changed to indirect speech with change "Said" to be "Ordered", "Told", and "Forbade". ...
8 Apr 2010 oleh radityaep
INDIRECT SPEECH Di bawah ini adalah contoh pengubahan Direct Speech menjadi Indirect Speech, dalam tenses yang berbeda: 1. FUTURE TENSE to CONDITIONAL SENTENCE DS : I will go to Paris Yesterday IS : He said that he would go to Paris at ...
Speech Acts and Conversational Interaction -
26 Jan 1996
The nature of speech acts; 2. Meaning and force; 3. The structure of communicative interactions; 4. Interactional effects; 5. Indirect speech acts; 6. Conventions of use; 7. The structure of conversation; 8. ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
22 Feb 2010 oleh OMTEX CLASSES
*Note than when a Yes/No question is being asked in direct speech, then a construction with if or whetheris used. If a WH question is being asked, then use the WH to introduce the clause. Also note that with indirect speech, ...
Lawrence W. Schonbrun: Finally, Obama Gives Historic Speech on ...
1 hari yang lalu oleh Lawrence W. Schonbrun
Today, excessive litigation generally costs the U.S. economy roughly $865 billion a year, including both direct and indirect costs (indirect costs include things like doctors practicing defensive medicine). ... - Telusuran lainnya dari The Huffington Post Full Blog Feed
17 Feb 2010 oleh Rieska_Blog
Thedefinition of Direct and Indirect Speech : Direct Speech Direct speech is a speaker's actual words. In writing, we write a direct speech with quotation marks ("......"). Indirect Speech Indirect speech is a report of what the ...
Direct and Indirect Speech - Windows Live
21 Sep 2009
Direct and Indirect Speech. ( Reported Speech ). Direct Speech คือประโยคที่พูดออกมาจากปากของผู้พูดเองโดยตรง. Indirect speech คือประโยคที่นำคำพูดของคนอื่นมาเล่าหรือรายงานให้ฟัง. หลักเกณฑ์ในการเปลี่ยน. Tense Direct Speech Indirect Speech ...
23 Feb 2010 oleh aiiu sang Wimaholic
Direct speech is discussion which its voice is direct listen than one who converse. Example: She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations. “Or“ Today's lesson is on presentations," she said . Indirect speech is discussion which its ... - Referensi
Najib's infamous Sibu campaign speech – Seeing is Believing « Lim ...
19 Mei 2010 oleh Kit
After all the assets comprise their money in form of taxes, direct and indirect. This means if Sibuans suffer from years of flooding, then it is duty of the trustee government to alleviate their pain by giving ... - Telusuran lainnya dari Lim Kit Siang
Free Speech: Principled Condemnation vs. Direct suppression?
10 jam yang lalu oleh admin
Supression is the use of either direct or indirect means to coerce or intimidate someone to be silent when they would not do so if the were free to speak without fear of the consequences. That's the difference. ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
28 Feb 2010 oleh Aditya
Direct speech Indirect speech. Present simple Past simple. Ari said, "I eat fried rice". Ari said that she ate fried rice. Past simple Past Perfect. Father said, "I went to office yesterday". Father said (that) he had gone to office the ...
Excerpts from the speech of the Finance Minister before the ...
5 hari yang lalu oleh 40
While the ratio of direct taxes to GDP have increased three-fold from 1.9% in 1983-84 to 6.2% in 2008-09, the ratio of indirect taxes to GDP have declined from 7.2% to 5% in the same period. The trend indicates that ...
direct indirect speech 2
9 Mar 2010 oleh nata0304
Indirect Speech / Reported Speech. Indirect speech (sometimes called reported speech), doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it doesn't have to be word for word. When reporting speech the tense usually changes. ... - Telusuran lainnya dari welcome....
9 Feb 2010 oleh mgmp bahasa inggris sma
Direct and indirect speeches are two ways used in reporting what someone has said. They are mostly used in spoken English. It is important to learn how the transformation goes so as to be accurate in your interactions with the others. ...
Direct & Indirect speech
7 Mar 2010 oleh Edo Septian Dozer
Don't forget to mention the indirect object. Father warned me not to drive fast. For example: Direct speech Indirect speech Present simple Past simple Citra said, “I eat fried chicken”. Citra said that she ate fried chicken ...
Rencana bikin buku English grammar untuk pemula « NEVER GIVE UP ...
1 hari yang lalu oleh abu dira syifa
Bab 8: Indirect Speech……………………………………………………….. Bab 9: Active And Passive Voice….………………………….…………… Bab 10: Gerunds After Prepositions……………………….……………… Bab 11: Past Perfect Tense…………………………………………….……. Bab 12: Future Perfect ... - Telusuran lainnya dari NEVER GIVE UP LEARNING!
Direct and indirect speech
11 Feb 2010 oleh novasinaga
We often have to give information about what people say or think. In order to do this you can use direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. Direct Speech / Quoted Speech. Saying exactly what someone has said is called ...
23 Feb 2010 oleh GLADYS' E-PRIMBON
 DIRECT SPEECH Refers to reproducing another person's exact words or saying exactly what someone has said.  INDIRECT SPEECH Refers to reproducing the idea of another person's words that doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
25 Feb 2010 oleh e-primbon
Direct and Indirect Speech Direct speech ü Refers to reproducing another person's exact words or saying exactly what someone has said. Indirect Speech ü Refers to reproducing the idea of another person's words that doesn't use quation ...
basic terms of narratology
19 Feb 2010 oleh boearle
So diegetic narration can use both direct and indirect speech, because the narrator can tell a story both by speaking in her/his own voice and by reporting what characters say. On the surface it would seem that mimetic narration by ...
Direct and Indirect Speech - Diễn đàn sinh viên Hoa Sen
25 Sep 2008 oleh chimera
We often have to give information about what people say or think. In order to do this you can use direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech. Direct Speech Saying exactly what someone has.
Direct And Indirect Speech
12 Des 2009 oleh (Roshid Ryou)
SIMPLE PRESENT Tipe 1 The teacher says, “The world is round.” Menjadi : The teacher says that the world is round. Tipe 2 Mary asks me, “Do you feel thirsty?” Menjadi : Mary asks me if I feel...
Direct and Indirect speech
28 Feb 2010 oleh Yessi C. Putri
Direct speech Will Can Must Shall May indirect speech would could had should might Note – there is no change to;could,would,should,might and ought too. Direct speech “I might go to the cinema”, he said Indirect speech ...
Direct Indirect Speech
28 Feb 2010 oleh dwima
This an example of direct speech : -) She said, "Today's lesson is on presentations" -) "Today's lesson is on presentations," she said Indirect speech Indirect speech, doesn't use quotation marks to enclose what the person said and it ...
28 Feb 2010 oleh rezasofyan
REPORTED SPEECH. TENSE CHANGES. Normally, the tense in reported speech is one tense back in time from the tense in direct speech: She said, “I am tired.” She said that she was tired. The changes are shown below: ...
25 Feb 2010 oleh pamela 'ella'
Direct speech Indirect speech. Present simple Past simple. Vita said, “I eat fried rice”. Vita said that she ate fried rice. Past simple Past Perfect. Mother said, “I went to market yesterday”. Mother said (that) she had gone to market ...
27 Feb 2010 oleh e-primbon
Direct speech Indirect speech Present continousPast continousSimple present tenseSimple pastSimple past Past perfect Present perfectPast perfectPresent futurePast futureModals Can May must Modals ...
Why Men Don't Listen & Women Can't Stop Talking
12 Mei 2010 oleh DOLPHIN
Fenny, tapinya, sedang menggunakan bahasa yang tipikal cewek alias cuman cewek yang ngerti: bahasa tidak langsung atau kerennya indirect speech. Fenny sebenernya udah mutusin mo pake sepatu yang mana dan tidak sedang minta pendapat; ...
Direct & Indirect Speech
27 Feb 2010 oleh Setyadi Harli
v Indirect : Hamid told Sinta to come here. v Direct : Hamid said to Andi, "Do not disturb me!" v Indirect : Hamid forbade Andi to disturb him. Indirect speech : a report of what the announcer has said. There are 3 kinds of indirect ...
27 Feb 2010 oleh yulisa.claudia
DIRECT & INDIRECT SPEECH. DIRECT SPEECH. Refers to reproducing another person's exact words or saying exactly what someone has said. INDIRECT SPEECH. Refers to reproducing the idea of another person's words that doesn't use quotation ...
Language Learning: 30 seconds lesson - Tell .Say and indirect speech
30 Mar 2010 oleh Ahoythere
30 seconds lesson - Tell .Say and indirect speech. Posted by Ahoythere at 21:39. Labels: 30 sec lesson - 9. 0 comments: Post a Comment. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom). Fish. Search This Blog. Loading. ...
Direct and Indirect Speech
26 Feb 2010 oleh vitrosa
Direct Speech → Refers to reproducing another person's exact words. We use avotation marks. Indirect Speech → Refers to reproducing the idea of another person's words not all the exact words are used verb form and pronoun may change. ...